Saturday, July 14, 2012

Ey, ain't this Kyut?

There's a lot of reason why many people like going to a thrift store like Daiso. I like going there before it's really a grown-up's version of a candy store. From the wide array of candies (literally), make-ups, home stuffs, stationery, and other quirky things one would not have been able to conceptualize, this little store has so much to offer.

On my most recent visit, here's something really cute and quirky that caught my interest:

 Nah, it's not a cookie cutter. It's a sandwich cutter. Isn't this ingenious?

Trying it out on a wheat sandwich gave me that result. Not impressive. But ain't bad either for a non-cook, neophyte me.

Truth is, I got it mainly because I liked it being pink. Heheh. 

How much? 88 bucks. Like the rest of the items in the store. Can't wait what I'd discover next. =)